The digital booklet includes basic background information on each new member.

AUSTIN, TEXAS — Today, Public Blueprint released their bi-annual booklet of the New Faces of the Texas Legislature. With a unique and largely contact-less session commencing, it is the hope that this digital booklet will provide an easy way for everyone to get to know the new members, even without meeting them face to face. 

The booklet includes general biographical and district information, professional experience, birthday information, and more, to help fellow legislators, staffers, stakeholders, and constituents get to know the new faces in the Capitol. 

To view the digital New Faces booklet, simply visit our website and click on the legislators you’d like to get to know more about. We encourage you to share this link with peers in your professional and personal networks.

If you have any questions or would like to request a correction of any of the information in the booklet, please send an email to [email protected].

We sincerely hope you enjoy the New Faces Booklet and stay safe and healthy this legislative session.


Your Public Blueprint Team